Thank you for taking the time to participate in this short survey. This is the first time that the VABT has undertaken such a survey. The information gathered will help shape the VABT’s actions moving forward, to ensure that we are best placed to continue assisting Victoria’s professional performing arts workers.
Why is the VABT surveying the people it has assisted?
This survey aims to give the volunteer Committee of Management an opportunity to reflect on the ways it currently assists the Victorian performing arts community. This information will be used to help steer the VABT moving forward in reaching and assisting more performers, creatives and crew in need.
Who will see the results of this survey?
The results of this survey will only be seen by the VABT volunteer Committee of Management. For more information on the committee, click here.
Will my responses by confidential?
Respondents will have the opportunity to voluntarily elect to provide a contact email address, should they wish to discuss any elements of the survey further. This is an optional step.
If a respondent elects to not provide their email address, then the survey will be anonymous without any identifying information.
The decision to provide an email address is solely at the discretion of the survey respondent.
How many questions are there?
We appreciate that every organisation asks for survey responses, so we have made sure to keep this survey as short as possible.
There are 12 questions, and the survey should take no longer than 5-minutes.